Girl Fall Out of Car Funny

  • 8 years ago Peggy Miles wrote:

    Being a victim of occasional falls, I think they are too painful to be funny and the women, in some pictures, look as though they were beaten. Not funny.

    • 8 years ago Rahul Prasad replied:

      women in some pictures looked as though they were beaten? Wow! Just wow! Amazing how two individuals can have an entirely different opinion about the same thing, right?

    • 8 years ago Peggy Miles replied:

      Art is generally the artist's interpretation of the world as s/he sees and understands or wants to alter it…in the photos being discussed, all of the women are face down…they are obliterated and their individuality destroyed.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      It seems like these are meant to be painful. For all they're funny, they're equally sad and eliciting sympathy. Getting so wrapped up in a culture of stuff and creating artificial appearances, to the point that you're neglecting all else, is just as painful and ungainly as falling flat on your face. And it can really cause onlookers a lot of pain and discomfort to see people that way.

    • 8 years ago Sean Langan replied:

      You are a "victim" of falls? Who is the assailant? Gravity, or your crappy sense of balance, or your inability to pay attention and keep your eyes on what you are doing.

    • 8 years ago Anonymous replied:


    • 8 years ago Peggy Miles replied:

      Gee Sean, since you asked…my feet lost some feeling (it' called neuropathy) after two battled with cancer and the chemo they gave me. So, it is difficult at times, especially on uneven terrain, for me to walk and I have fallen. So, perhaps I am a victim of the side effects of cancer or of the chemo. But, I am not a victim of people who decide to be mean online nor am I a victim of a "crappy sense of balance or inability to pay attention"

    • 8 years ago Sean Langan replied:

      "Victim" implies that you suffered some harm or loss as the result of a crime. Poor choice of words is all I was saying. And am still saying. Everybody wants to be a "victim" these days. Hope I didn't trigger anything.

    • 8 years ago Peggy Miles replied:

      No problem and I "get" your issue with the word…will parse my sentence next time. For now, no harm, no foul.

    • 8 years ago Balooh replied:

      I'm with you !! I am also the victim of occasional falls. Very accident prone. In every one of the pictures all I'm thinking is I just want to help the poor girl get back up lol.

    • 8 years ago Gill Brammer replied:

      Im sorry to hear you are a 'victim of occasional falls' but its art. Its supposed to be funny. Falling is funny, everyone agrees its funny, thats why its a youtube phenomenon!
      I Laughed hard at this

    • 8 years ago mssillee replied:

      "Everyone" agrees? Please speak for yourself. People have different tastes. I prefer my humor a bit more high brow.

    • 8 years ago Cole Herrell replied:

      I enjoy high brow humor as much as the next guy, but I'll still laugh at a fart joke and someone falling every single time.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      Agreed. But you should get yourself checked!!

    • 8 years ago MyGrumpyNeighbors replied:

      This is the kind of crap that makes generic, bland, and emotionless art prevalent.

  • 8 years ago Amy wrote:

    Too many women that look like victims. I geyhe irony and the art intellectually and some are beautiful but they are just too familiar to enjoy.

    • 8 years ago Grace replied:

      100% agree with you. That the vast majority of these portraits are of women is extremely disturbing because they not only look like victims (many of them look like their heads have been smashed) but it perpetuates the idea that only women try to appear as something they're not and are therefore dishonest. Men can be fake and affected too. Everyone "presents" themselves in a specific way and everyone tries on a mask (or twelve) throughout their lives; we're all of us searching for our identities and autonomy and self assuredness is not exclusively for men! I get the joke but the execution is not funny.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Aren't three or four of these men? (it's hard to say with their faces down.) I mean, that's not too much of a deviation from the natural population dispersion, given that ~51% of the world population is women, more or less depending where you are.

      I don't get that this is about dishonesty. It just seems to tell the story of these women and men having images and appearances and…STUFF piled on them (and piling it on themselves) until they literally, and cartoonishly, collapse. There is no outside aggressor in these images. The faces smashed into cakes or smooshed under flowerpots got there on their own – unless you consider the indirect but oppressive influence of society to be a corporeal attacker.

      To be honest, I think it's appropriate that most of them are women because, while it's true that men are also pressured to put on appearances, most of the industry for appearance-altering products and services, accessories, jewels, creams, diet pills, you name it, has traditionally concentrated heavily on women. Women in general can really use the message that we just need to put some of this crap DOWN before we end up eating dirt.

    • 8 years ago Blayne Wyatt replied:

      If you take 5 mins. to research this artist you will see more male portraits.

    • 8 years ago Odz Manouk replied:

      Research gets in the way of indulging in immensely satisfying internet rage. Social justice warriors can't get through the day without being instantly outraged by at least one thing.

    • 8 years ago Anonymous replied:

      all i keep thinking is how is anyone seeing this and thinking violence? jeezus tiddie christ ppl!

    • 8 years ago Frenchy replied:

      I agree – its art for Pete's sake! and hilarious.

    • 8 years ago srslyntevrythngissexist replied:


    • 8 years ago Sean Langan replied:

      That was exhausting.

    • 8 years ago Rahul Prasad replied:

      Please do not try and speak for the artist who who shot these pics. If you do have some information in that regard, do share. Just coz you have an opinion doesn't mean everyone else should be subjected to it. It's a series of picture art..nothing else. Stop making it anything more than that..

    • 8 years ago NBF replied:

      I agree, and I hate PC and people without a sense of humor, but almost every image is of a woman, with their legs wide open and face down. It's a little creepy.

    • 8 years ago bo replied:

      The fact that you noticed the positioning of their legs first says more about you than the art.

    • 8 years ago Chase replied:

      Sexist. You all hate men and think women are delicate little flowers. Go fuck yourself ya bunch of whiny cock sucking sluts.

    • 8 years ago Marina replied:

      Wow, calm the hell down.

    • 8 years ago Ally MacBeth replied:

      No one is actually criticizing the art, just saying how it makes them feel.
      Your response is WAY out of line and extreme. You could very easily have just said that you disagree.
      I like the creativity of the artist (whom I am very familiar with), but yes, a lot of it can be interpreted as victims. I am most amused by the woman on the stairs with the bloody knife, obviously not the initial vicitim.

    • 8 years ago Sarah replied:

      The irony in your comment went right over your head, huh?

    • 8 years ago Chase replied:

      It was supposed to be ironic. People aren't really that stupid.

    • 8 years ago Marta replied:

      But if was almost guys no one would care about it…

    • 8 years ago The Contentious Otter replied:

      I had the same thought. I was laughing out loud at the few images that appeared to be of men but found the female images to be rather disturbing.

    • 8 years ago _smh replied:

      Phew, it's not just me who had the exact seem feeling/reaction while looking at these.

    • 8 years ago _smh replied:

      SAME. Autocorrectfail.

    • 8 years ago Joey replied:

      I think it may just be that women were more inspired to get out and pose for a silly picture for this project.

    • 8 years ago Rez replied:

      You know, when you come up with bullshit like that you are essentially doing for feminism what Hitler did for the swastika.

    • 8 years ago QRAngela replied:

      Ad the male clown with the magazine with a nude model on the front of it just makes this whole thing a piece of shite!

    • 7 years ago Savage replied:

      I am a feminist… and I say… you are projecting… just because you are fighting off being the victim doesn't mean that everyone is… the models were advised before the photos were taken… deal with it and suck lemons somewhere else

    • Every single time anything happens on the internet there's a fundamental feminist with an issue. The irony is you're creating noise that dilutes an argument that's inherently sound. If the genders in the images were swapped around there'd no doubt be a comment saying 'Too few women represented in this post.' It's so tedious.

    • 8 years ago dizzzave replied:


    • 8 years ago Jack replied:

      The nurse and lumberjack appear to be men. Are they victims as well? I think we are looking past the point of the shoot.

    • 8 years ago Sharpe Flats replied:

      I'm concerned about your use of 'familiar'

    • 8 years ago The Voice of Reason replied:

      Women playing the victim, and looking for excuses to feel victimized are the reasons no one takes legitimate sexism and abuse seriously. Way to trivialize the victimization of gender. You are the regression in the system.

    • 8 years ago Iz replied:

      Lighten up, Francis

    • 8 years ago Angie Luci Daniels replied:

      Not all of them are women. And haven't you ever fallen? The only criminal is gravity.

    • 8 years ago Ibby replied:

      I don't usually fall with a large heavy object smashed over my head, no.

    • 8 years ago Cat replied:

      I think high heels make an accident seem more likely… its kind of like some kind of clown school crime scene :/

    • 8 years ago MOP replied:

      You mean you've never accidentally fallen and taped yourself to the floor? (I agree with you.)

    • 8 years ago -che replied:

      This is the only comment in this thread that makes any sense. Why was the last one taped to the floor? Sure it's a little bizarre or to some unsettling but that's about it. The lens you choose to look through is simply that, one you chose. I looked at these pictures and thought, cool he's portraying women as personalities for once. Instead of just looking at some beautifully photoshopped face you see everything else and it's telling a story. The girl who fell down the stairs murdered some man, there's a drunken rocker musician, someone's birthday was totally ruined (was it hers?) the fitness guru… It's unfortunate that sometimes things happen in our pasts that skew our vision of the world but you should try looking at things and using the positive side and maybe you would have different feelings towards this harmless photography and maybe some other things too.

    • 8 years ago Darby Finley replied:

      I studied it closely and I noticed that she's someone that is obsessed with vanity and perfection. Her face is smashed into a mirror, there are botox injections scattered across the floor, one of her hands is dipped in facial cream, and she's trimmed with cucumber. I suppose her arms and feet are taped down because even in her dead, she mustn't move an inch because she's just "perfect".

    • 8 years ago beewren replied:

      Yeah, it reminds me off too many harsh memories. So many of my friends in the 80's had domestic misphaps whilst wearing spandex. Lest we forget.

    • 8 years ago TL replied:

      Every one of these looks like a tragically hilarious accident. It seems to me that one would have to be viewing through a 'victim' lens to see overt violence here.

      I noticed that almost all of the subjects were women, but only in the way that made me wonder if guys do it too – or maybe their attempts simply weren't attractive or colorful enough to merit inclusion.

    • 8 years ago Meghan replied:

      The fact that you think that pics of guys might not be attractive enough proves the original point. That images of women hurt are considered attractive, thus bringing a sort of glam to images of women victims.

    • 8 years ago theUnbiased replied:

      Ugly feminists who don't cope with being refused? :) Or a one that lived
      with a muscular exprisoner who wanted you to finally shut up that
      Vogue-ish bullshit everyday? That's the modern era. Smart phones, dumb people.

    • 8 years ago Pepper replied:


    • 8 years ago toddthesod replied:

      I just wonder if it had been majority male 'victims' would anyone have said 'why so many men??' WTFC Love the pics !!!

  • 8 years ago kebin wrote:

    Jesus! Enjoy it for what it is! Comedy and art! Sheeeeut.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Jesus! That would have been a really good one! Birkenstocks all flyin' up in the air, cross all tossed over to one side, little metal fish bumper decals strewn about the place. Just got so worked up tryin' to live up to everyone's expectations that he faceplanted on the spot.

      I bet that'd make a lot of people really mad.

  • 8 years ago DEM wrote:

    People's legs don't defy gravity. If you fall out of a car onto your head, your legs are either in the cabin or on the ground. They don't mysteriously end up four feet higher on top of the roof.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Given the rest of the subject matter, I'm thinking they're meant to be kind of Wile E Coyote cartoonish, and not strictly believable from a physics standpoint. As in, here's this lady that has worked herself into such a frenzy keeping up appearances and trying to live this outlandish shiny-magazine celebrity culture, that she just… faceplants where she's standing, in an implosive swan-dive of egregious consumerism.

      I don't know, it works for me.

  • 8 years ago Benny wrote:

    3 or 4 is funny… 10 is insipid

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Sometimes you have to do 10 to get 3 or 4 good ones. You know, every disney movie starts out with 8 or 12 songs, and they always cut out half of them if not more. Here we are presented with the entire series, since that's super easy to do on the internet. You're welcome to find a few favorites among them, but criticizing the quantity of work presented seems equally insipid.

  • 8 years ago Felas wrote:

    Gay shit

    • 8 years ago YouKidding Right replied:


  • 8 years ago Curt wrote:

    I love it! The attention to detail is genius!

  • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName wrote:

    What nonsense! This was just an opportunity for a pervert photographer to see women's butts!

    • 8 years ago Lux replied:

      4 of those photos are of men, idiot.

    • 8 years ago Danielle replied:

      Four out of ten, perpetuating the idea that women are dishonest and that it's okay to beat us and represent us as (in this case broken and worthless) objects. Sit the fuck down.

    • 8 years ago Sean Langan replied:

      Bahahahahahahaahahahah! Well done, funniest thing I have read all day.

    • 8 years ago Anonymous replied:

      Shut the fuck up.

    • 8 years ago Anonymous replied:


    • 8 years ago Satoshi Payne replied:

      Wow dishonest and objectifying, really? Your rationale sounds like some uncoordinated mental gymnastics. I'd really like to see you elaborate on your points, even though your points hinge on numbers that aren't even close to unanimous, and a more plausible explanation is more women put their hand up to do these shots.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      You use big words, but you can't use them to put a strong argument together! "More women put up their hands"!! Really? You probably need my hand up your … ..

    • 8 years ago Satoshi Payne replied:

      I don't need a strong argument; the burden of reason is on the person who I was replying too. You would have realised this if you weren't too busy judging the verbosity of my comment instead.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      shove that thesaurus up your ass!!

    • 8 years ago Satoshi Payne replied:

      What ever makes you sleep better at night.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      and to you too, faggot!

    • 8 years ago Satoshi Payne replied:

      Says the person who loves shoving stuff up people's butts.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      hey, it's your butt; not mine! what a friggin' faggoty idiot, you are!!!

    • 8 years ago Cole Herrell replied:

      Or that maybe more women wanted to get paid for being in the shoot than men.

    • 8 years ago BingoIsMyName replied:

      Not everyone's like your mother!

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Men's butts are so eh.

    • 8 years ago MyGrumpyNeighbors replied:


  • 8 years ago Claire Nicole wrote:

    the creativity is there … but they are all very similar to each other, one shoe off, face planted into the ground … there are other positions to fall, and i doubt a roller skate would fall off some ones foot. Also, what is the last one about? circus mirror, syringes, the girl is duct taped to the floor … oh yeah and a cucumber? they are clever, and really well done with all the "extras" but needs some different ideas. Best ones are, the girl with the pot smashed on her head and the girl who fell in food with the balloons! very clever and awesome use of colour too.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      Yeah, I went "huh?" at the last one, too. The poses are a bit monotonous after awhile, but I feel like that's what the artist was going for – there are few ways to fall that quite say "I COMPLETELY GIVE UP" more than the traditional ragdoll faceplant. It seems like it was an intentional choice, so I'm willing to look at it how it appears to be intended.

    • 8 years ago Jackie replied:

      Both of those compositions make those women look like they've been beaten to death. Not funny.

    • 8 years ago MyGrumpyNeighbors replied:

      This is the point of art, to be thought provoking and evoke an emotional response. No doubt your house is full of landscapes and flower portraits. Yawn.

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      It definitely causes discomfort to look at – the poses are painful. They're uncomfortable but draw the eye much the same way as a Youtube video of a girl taking a nosedive in heels or a guy biting some stairs trying to skateboard. But I don't think that violence by others was the intended image; more like violence done by themselves, not directly but through the insatiable accumulation of "stuff" and "appearances."

    • 8 years ago Drazaeus replied:

      It's all about the pursuit of 'beauty' through cosmetics i think. Quite well done too imo

    • 8 years ago aaa replied:

      The duct tape spells sexy

    • 8 years ago Hezaa replied:

      OH MAN. I didn't even see that. I think I totally "get" the last one now. I was seriously confused about it before you pointed that out. Thanks!

  • 8 years ago mihaela wrote:

    Super awesome pics!!!



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